
moves-api-demo: counts how many days in a month you went to the place you specify, using Moves API

I work as a software engineer contractor. I need to count how many days in a month I work for my client to charge the fees.

I use a very nice iOS app, Moves. It runs in background, and it records almost every place I go without losing much battery life. So, I thought that I can use that data to count how many times I visit the client place and consider it as working days.

I created a sample app that counts how many days in a month you went to the place you specify, using Moves API. This is based on the sample app that Moves provides. I prepared Heroku button for that app, so you can easily set up the same app on Heroku if you have an account.

champierre/moves-api-demo: A sample app that demostrates how to connect to Moves.

Open the app in Safari on the iOS device where you have Moves installed on it, and after getting authorized by Moves, you can get how many days you visited the place you specified in the previous month.



Scratchで楽しく学ぶ アート&サイエンスRaspberry Piではじめる どきどきプログラミングを書きました。

オンラインコンテンツ: 大人のためのScratch

Amazonから図書館検索 Libron、iPhoneアプリ ひらがなゲーム かなぶん を作っています。

Email: webmaster at champierre dot com

Twitter @jishiha

